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series:01 created at/for: F A B R I C A s.P.a
As technology invades deeper and deeper into our lives, it seems to
become less and less personal. The mass-production of goods has
swayed us away from forming emotional attachments to our 'objects',
be it furniture, clothes or electronics.
My interest in the personalization of technology has moved me to
create a series of gadgets that are inspired by object artisans such
as clock/watchmakers, jewelers and other craftsmen. Each object is
hand-made with enclosures that are sculpted from traditional
materials such as wood.
In addition, each gadget is far from purposeful. They are simple
objects, designed for fun and expression.
Mark Argo, 2006
----> PixelDoodle >>------------------------------------------------
The computer screen is a dexterous multi-purpose object. It's
used for writing emails, playing games, watching movies, chatting
with friends. PixelDoodle offers another interface that is purely
for simple communications. Use the 5x7 grid of pixels to simply
express your mood, or write a 2-letter message. The object
connects directly to your PC/Mac over a USB connection.
----> 9VGuy >>------------------------------------------------------
9VGuy was spawned out of a desire to characterize simple electronic
components, like making tiny sculptures out resistors and
capacitors. By snapping a simple interactive circuit on top of a 9V
battery, a simple object is transformed into an electronic puppet.
Each 9VGuy is slightly unique, with different sounds and different
color LEDs or buttons.
----> BlockClock >>------------------------- photos by Oriol-FM ----
BlockClock is an easily-modifiable interface for the most immutable
things in existence - time (please physicists, no comments). By
turning the digits of a digital clock into discrete objects, one can
play around with the order of time. Flip the last two digits to give
yourself an extra couple minutes of time, or stack the time to create
a whole new way to countdown the hours left at work.