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"CommPose: Visualizing Local Community Through Camera Phone Media" presented at DIME'06, Rangsit University, Bangkok, Thailand. October 2006.
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"hugms and personalizing mobile technology" accepted to UBICOMP'04, Nottingham, UK. September 2004.
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"The Slidepipe: A Timeline-Based Controller for Real-Time Sample Manipulation" presented at NIME'04, Hammamatsu, Japan. May 2004.
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"The Bass-Station: A Community Based Information Space" presented at SIGGRAPH'03, San Diego. July 2003.
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"mobjects" Paper for Masters Thesis. Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP), New York University. April, 2004.
(PDF Format, 50 Pages, 5.4MB)

"Thinking About Remote Presence and Ubiquitous Computing Objects" Research Paper. Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP), New York University. April, 2004.
(PDF Format, 9 Pages, 88KB)

Printed Press

The Hub Of The Party, by Brian Lam for Wired (May 2003)
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Linux Makes WiFi Happen in New York City, by Doc Searls for Linux Journal (vol 113, Sept 2003)
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Content Deliverance, by Douglas Rushkoff for The Feature (Jan 15th 2004)
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Innovative Webmasters Chase Fame on Browserday, by Matthew Mirapaul for the New York Times (April 2nd, 2001)
(link to online version)